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Important notice about accessing standards

The standards in the Food Standards Code are legislative instruments under the Legislation Act 2003. The authoritative versions of these standards are on the Australian Government Federal Register of Legislation (formerly ComLaw).
The PDF file for each standard on the Legislation Register site is the authoritative legal version. To access the PDF (or Word version), once you open the Legislation Register page for each standard, click on the link to the latest compilation of a standard (displayed with the tick), then click the 'Download' tab in the light blue ribbon on the page. The documents will then appear.
Some browsers have difficulty reading tables in HTML. Additionally, some non-PC devices, including certain phones or tablets (depending on the reader program or app used), may read symbols incorrectly in Word and possibly HTML. For example, FSANZ has used the Greek letter 'mu' in a number of standards as a recognised international symbol indicating 'micrograms'. However, it may display incorrectly as an odd-looking 'm', making a measurement read as 'milligrams'. Please use the definitive legal PDF versions, where the problem will generally not occur on most devices.
Page last updated 6 December 2023